
  • Mr. Anant B. Khandkule PG Student Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
  • Prof. P. D. Kulkarni Associate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala,
  • Prof. M. A. Mohite Associate Professor, Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


Crankshaft, Crankpin, Stress, Force


The crankshaft is also referred as crank. It is responsible for conversion between reciprocating motion and rotational motion. In a reciprocating engine, it translates reciprocating linear piston motion into rotational motion. In a reciprocating compressor, it converts the rotational motion into reciprocating motion. Here the failure of crankshafts for two wheelers mostly occurs in the crankpin. Thus the crankpin is an important component that mostly decides the life of the crankshaft. The crankshaft considered here is of Pulsar 180 DTSi. It is a petrol engine crankshaft made from Alloy steel 41Cr4.Abnormal sound was heard in crankshaft while it is in operation. It was identified as failure of crankshaft. Severe wear has been observed at crankpin bearing location where the oil hole is provided. Here the analysis of the two wheeler crankshaft is done. Its results are then compared and verified numerically, then by the use of ANSYS software. The results compared here are Von Mises Stresses and the strain occurring on the crankshaft.





