Aim and Scope

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology (IJIERT) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal run by Novateur Publication, India. IJIERT publishes original research articles in Engineering, Technology, Sciences, education and Social Sciences.

The journal considers articles from the following research fields:


Engineering and Technology:

Engineering of new materials development, application development, experimentation and findings in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, technological development in materials applications



Materials Sciences:

Physics and Chemistry of materials, synthesis, development, properties studies and applications of different Inorganic and Organic materials and compounds.

Physical Sciences:

Mathematics and studies related to the physical properties of materials. Developments in computer science, engineering, and applications studies.

Chemical Sciences: Articles from fundamental to applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering research.

Environmental Sciences: Research and advances in understanding different aspects of the environment, pollution, toxicological studies, and developments in remediation/protection of the environment.

Biological and Pharmaceuticals Sciences: Development of different biological materials (biomass, etc) sciences, biomaterials engineering, polymers, and studies in pharmaceutical sciences.

Medical Science: Engineering and Technology applications in the medical field.


Education and Social Sciences:

Education: Educational practices, theories, methods, teaching-learning process, ICT in education.

Economics: theories, models, and real-world applications economics behaviours and systems

Psychology: General psychology, organisational behaviour, social psychology, communication and languages, counselling theories, social work, human development, social behaviour, educational psychology and social issues.



Published By: Novateur Publication, India

ISSN (Online): 2394-3696

Frequency: 12 issues per Year

Discipline:  Multidisciplinary (Engineering, Technology, Sciences, Education and Social Sciences)

International License:  CC By NC ND

Language of Publication: English

Peer Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review ( Double Anonymous Review)

The Average Period from Submission to Acceptance is 10 Weeks


About Publisher

The International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology (IJIERT) is published by Novateur Publication. Novateur Publication is the fastest-upcoming publication house, primarily focusing on online /offline journal publications, books, and monograph publications. Novateur Publication supports open-access publication. Novateur Publication is registered firm under the ministry of MSME, Government of India since 2014.


Publishers Registered Address

Novateur Publication

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