Effect of Wavy (Corrugated) Twisted Tape Inserts on Heat Transfer in a double Pipe Heat Exchanger


  • Mr. A. S .Kurhade Department of Mechanical Engineering, GSMCOE, University of Pune, India
  • Prof. M. M. Dange Department of Mechanical Engg. Faculty of Engineering, GSMCOE, University of Pune, India
  • Prof. D. B. Nalawade Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, VIIT, University of Pune, I ndia


Heat transfer,, heat exchanger,, wavy twisted tape,, turbulent


In the present work heat transfer and friction factor properties we re experimentally investigated by using copper wavy (corrugated) twisted tape inserts. The turbulent flow w as created by inserting the wavy twisted tape inserts into the inner tube of heat exchanger creating high rate of t urbulence in pipe, which results in increasing heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop. The tape consists of the cor rugations and the twisting with various twist ratios (TR=10.7, 8.5, 7.1). The length and width of insert was 1 meter an d 14 mm respectively. The outer tube of heat exchanger is made up of mild steel with outside diameter 0.0198 m & 0.0142 m inside diameter and the inner tube is made up of copper with 0.038 m outside diameter and 0.032 m inside di ameter. The length of pipe in pipe heat exchanger is 1.4 m. The bulk mean temperatures at various posit ions are used for different flow rate of water. From the obtained results the new Correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor are developed for twisted tape inserts. The Reynolds number is varied from 5000 to 17000. The results of varying twists in wavy twisted tape inserts with different pitches have been compared with the val ues for the smooth tube. It showed that the highest heat transfer rate was achieved for the wavy twis ted tape with twist ration 7.1. The Nusselt number value increased by 172 % and friction factor value increased by 32.11% as compared to the sm ooth tube values.





