Smart Food Dispensing Machine


  • P. T.Borate Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Sinhgad College of Engineering,Pune,India
  • S.D. Lokhande Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Sinhgad College of Engineering,Pune,India


Bottles, Dispensing, Food,, Machine


India is home to largest number of malnourished children in the world.The high number of underweight children under five a result of malnourishment and poor nutrition education. Women’s with lack of malnutrition will gives birth to unhealthy babies. Millions of children’s sleep hungry across India and world,as they do not have money nor work to get money to buy food to eat and live happily. Authortherefore intended to provide a solution by constructing food-dispensingmachine, whichdispense food to needy people. This food is distributed to needy peoples those who collects waste plastic bottles from street and insert it into machine. People who insert bottle in machine can have choice to select option to have food of packed dry food, reward money or grain. This machine can have capability to check number of bottles inserted in machine. Therefore,that person will get amount of food equal to number of bottles inserted in machine. By this way,the huge amount of waste plastic bottle can be easily collected and hungry people willhave access to food whenever they need it. Not only hungry peoples, anyone can have access to this machine i.e. old peoples, small children’s etc





