Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),, Material Removal Rate (MRR),Abstract
This research work deals with an optimization of turning process by the effect of machining parametersapplying ANOVA &Taguchi methods to improve the quality of manufactured goods and engineering development of designs for studying variation. Moreover, iron in steel has greater affinity towards carbon of WC of the tool. P grade is more diffusion resistant grade due to presence of more stable carbides like TiC, TaC and NbC. Therefore, P grade is also known as mixed carbide grade and more suitable for machining steel. Since P 30 grade of cemented carbide would provide excellent balance of hardness, wear resistance and toughness, the same grade has been chosen for machining of stainless steel. Turning is a metal cutting process by which metals from the outer periphery of a cylindrical work piece is removed and the volume of metal removed per unit time is known as metal removal rate or MRR. Basically MRR is an important criterion in production engineering to increase the productivity and quality. MRR varies with the variation of cutting parameters of different metals. In this project work, Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L is considered as work piece while spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut are considered as cutting parameters.

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