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Mrs. Rita S. Pimpalkar
Mr. Akshay D. Gosavi
Mr. Pavankumar K. Godase
Mr. Nandkishor B. Gutte


3D printing is a process of making a three -dimensional solid objects from a digital file using additive manufacturing techniques. In this process layers of material are successively deposited one above the other to create an object. Each layer can be visualized like thinly sliced section of the object. The key to this 3D printer is the thermoplastic extruder which is coupled with a Cartesian XYZ platform. 3D printing by using PLA filament electronics are based around the popular Arduino development platform, utilizing a custom made board for interfacing with the Arduino development Board and allowing stepper motor and extrusion temperature monitoring and control.


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How to Cite
Mrs. Rita S. Pimpalkar, Mr. Akshay D. Gosavi, Mr. Pavankumar K. Godase, & Mr. Nandkishor B. Gutte. (2021). 3DPRINTINGTECHNOLOGY. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, 2(4), 1-6. https://repo.ijiert.org/index.php/ijiert/article/view/399

How to Cite

Mrs. Rita S. Pimpalkar, Mr. Akshay D. Gosavi, Mr. Pavankumar K. Godase, & Mr. Nandkishor B. Gutte. (2021). 3DPRINTINGTECHNOLOGY. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, 2(4), 1-6. https://repo.ijiert.org/index.php/ijiert/article/view/399

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