
  • Mr. Vinayak M Sale1, Ms. Saloni A Gavade2, Ms. Akansha D Hajare2 Ms. Manashri S Patil2. 1 Assi. Prof. CSE Dept. SVERI’s COE Pandharpur (India) SVERI’s COE Pandharpur (India) 2 Student CSE Dept. SVERI’s COE Pandharpur (India)


The software to be produced is on Library Management System. Then there are 2 druggies. They're The Admin and the receptionist. The first procedure is the enrollment of the people who arrive to the library. The receptionist has the authority to enter the name, address and contact number of the people who visit the library along with the name of the book they want to read. Their entry and exit time to the library will be noted down. This calculates the total quantum of time they spent in library. A library card will also be handed to the guests who visit daily. A person can also adopt the book for particular days. All the information will be entered in the system. However, a forfeiture will be added and the information will be transferred to that particular person about the fine, If the person doesn’t return the book before the due date. Admin has the authority to add, cancel or modify the details of the book available to/ from the system. He also has the authority to give username and word for the receptionist. He can also add the details of the book bought from shops along with the shop name. Yearly expenditure report, books bought report, cash collected for figure can also be viewed.




