
  • Pooja S. Saravade1, Pratiksha R. Molak2, Bhakti S. Jadhav2, Kirti P. Khare2, Sonali M. Lokare2 1 Lecturer of Department, Information technology, SVERI’s College of Engineering(Polytehcnic), Pandharpur, India. 2 Diploma Students, Department of Information technology, SVERI’s College of Engineering (Polytechnic), Pandharpur,India.


Daily Expense Tracker is a complete business solution whose main focus is on saving expenses and time supervision; two key factors that play major role in success of any project. It basically consists of expense management tool which basically consist of saving expenses in different categories. Each functionality maintains consistency in the system such as if user saves details from either of web or mobile then reports consistency will be maintained. It also contains the relevant information of the expense which are saved in the database. There are variety of tasks done in this system. Some of them are saving expenses category wise, managing task, changing wallpaper etc. There is provision to view reports on weekly basic, daily basic, monthly basic. Lately, mobile devices are not a statussymbol anymore. On the basis ofstatistic reports, peopleare three times more addicted to mobiles than Laptops or PCs. No doubt, it transforms millionways of communication even in those areas where phone lines even barely exist. Hence, in a nut-shell mobiles can be handy for administrators or every individual to track down all their actions and can even keep a record of most accomplished tasks however. The Daily Expense Tracker has been developed and customized keeping in mind the requirements of the predicted audiences like students, businessman of any organization which will help the users to save their money in future by analyzing the reports of this expert system. This system is basically developed for android mobile with API level greater than 8. This system also provides web interface to the users which has been developed in J2EE.





