Performance & Analysis of Single-Phase Inverter Fed Three-phase Induction Motor Drives


  • Prof. Mohasin S. Bijali Department of Electrical Engineering, Shivaji Unive rsity / D.Y. Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Aniket C. Daiv Department of Electrical Engineering, Shivaji Unive rsity / D.Y. Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Abhijit S. Patil Department of Electrical Engineering, Shivaji Unive rsity / D.Y. Patil Technical Campus, Talsande, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India


phase inverte, total harmonic distortion;, vector PWM, induction motor,


n the proposed approach, instead of a conventional 3- Phase inverter a component minimized single pha se inverter is utilized which reduces the cost of the inverter, th e switching losses, and the complexity of interface circuits to generate logic signals. A performance comparison of the prop osed inverter fed drive with a conventional 3Phase inverter fed drive is also mode in terms of speed response and t otal harmonic distortion (THD) of the stator curren t. The proposed inverter fed IM drive is found acceptable consideri ng its cost reduction and other advantageous featur es. A general pulse width modulation (PWM) method for c ontrol of 1-phase inverters is presented. The vecto r PWM offers a simple method to select three or four vectors tha t effectively synthesize the desired output voltage , even in presence of voltage oscillations across the two dc-link capacit ors. The influence of different switching patterns on output voltage symmetry, current waveform, switching frequency and common mode voltage can be examined. The paper als o discusses how the use of the wye and delta connecti ons of the motor windings affects the implementatio n of the pulse width modulator.





