Experimental study of heat transfer parameters of s errated plate fin heat exchanger for different materials


  • Mr. S. V.Jagtap Department of Mechanical Engineering Shivaji University/ PVPIT Budhagaon, Sangli, India .
  • Prof. A.M. Patil Department of Mechanical Engineering Shivaji University/ PVPIT Budhagaon, Sangli, India .
  • Mr. D. D. Shinde Department of Mechanical Engineering Shivaji University/ PVPIT Budhagaon, Sangli, India


Introduction, Experimental set up, Result and Discussions, Conclusions


The heat transfer and flow friction Characteristics of plate f in surfaces are presented in terms of the Colburn factor j and the Fanning friction factor f verses Reynolds number Re, the relationships being different for different surfaces. The laminar flow model predicts j and f values at low Reynolds number; the data is throughout the range of interest. Velocity and temperature fields have been Computed and j and f factors determined over appropriate range of Reynolds number and geometric dim ensions. For this work I have designed heat exchanger according to procedure of design of serrated pl ate fin heat exchanger [12], Correlation used for finding various heat transfer parameters having Reynolds number l ess than 200 [6]. Experimental setup was manufactured using calculated parameters of design. The eff ects of the materials Brass and Copper SPFHE on the heat transfer enhancement and friction factor behaviors in lam inar flow regimes (Re < 200) are described. The fin dimension of serrated type plate fin heat exchanger SPFHE (H=3mm, t=0.2mm, s=2.5, lf=5mm for hot fluid and H=9.5mm, t=0.2mm, s=, lf=5mm for Cold fluid) same for both mat erials. On this setup readings were taken by varying flow rate of hot oil, at Constant air for differe nt temperatures of selected materials. After getting readings Calculations were done for heat transfer para meters like Reynolds number, Colburn factor and Fanning friction factor.





