Effect of Adding Oxygen Containing Additives to Unl eaded Gasoline on Exhaust Emission


  • Mr. Suryawanshi P.N. Department of Automobile Engg. M. M. Polytechn ic, Kalewadi, Pune. India
  • Mr. Shinde V.V. Department of Automobile Engg. M. M. Polytechn ic, Kalewadi, Pune. India
  • Mr. Kurhade A.S. Department of Automobile Engg. M. M. Polytechn ic, Kalewadi, Pune. India


Spark ignition engine, Compression ratio, Exhaust emissions,, Alternative fuel,


As world population grew, power plants, factories a nd ever increasing automobiles began to pollute the air to the extent that it was no longer acceptable. During the late 1940s, air pollution as a problem was fir st recognized in the Los Angeles basin in California . Two causes of this were the large population densit y and the natural weather conditions of area. Smoke and other pollutants from many industries and automobiles combined with the fog that was common in this ocean area and smog resulted. By the 1960s emission standards were beginning to be enforced in Californ ia. Then various ways are investigated to reduce em issions from an IC engine. Oxygen containing additives are used to improve gasoline’s performance and reduce exhaust emissions is one of them. The main objectiv e of this work is to find can Dimethyl Carbonate is used to reduce emission? In view of the above, it is decide d to investigate the effect of adding Dimethyl Carb onate to unleaded gasoline on exhaust emission.





