Green Concrete,, Water to cement ratio,, Recycled coarse aggregatesAbstract
Green[ a resource-saving structure,that reduces,environmental impact, carbon dioxide,emissions, and waste,water. Here comparative evaluation/of strength and durability properties of conventional concrete[and green concrete incorporating[recycled coarse aggregates[and fly ash. In the laboratory total of three[series of concrete mixtures[were prepared. Series I, II and III were prepared with the water to [cement (W/C) ratio of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 respectively. Each Series, comprises[of 3 concrete types named as conventional concrete mixture with 0% RCA and 0% flyash[indicated by notation R0. Recycled concrete mixture[with 50% RCA and 0% flyash indicated[by notation R50. And green concrete mixture[with 50% RCA and flyash was incorporated[as 25% replacement to cement[indicated by notation R50F25. As per IS 10262 1982 and IS 456 the mix design[of concrete for all mix proportions[is done. A marginal reduction[in compressive strength[and tensile[strength has been noticed in the case[of green concrete[(10 to 12%). And this may[be due to lesser angularity[index of recycled aggregates. A large reduction[in tensile strength of25% was noticed[in recycled aggregate concrete compared to conventional[concrete. This may be attributed[to less binding of aggregates in the case of recycled aggregate[concrete. Results shows that water absorption, Chloride ion permeability[and Sorptivityof concrete [R50] increased due to the intrinsic[porosity of RCA compared to conventional concrete [R0]. And water absorption,[chloride ion permeability[and Sorptivity[of Green concrete [R50F25] is almost same as conventional concrete[[R0]. This is due to the pozzolanic action of flyash[present in green concrete. Green concrete shows Moderate[rate of chloride ion permeability[for W/C of 0.3 and 0.4 slightly high rate of chloride[ion permeability for W/C of 0.5

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