MTech., Project & Construction Management Department,MIT College of Management, MITADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India


  • MR.AMAR PAWAR Department of Civil Engg,SIET(Polytechnic), Paniv, India,
  • MISS VRUSHALI GORE Department of Civil Engg,SIET(Polytechnic), Paniv, India,
  • MISS PRIYANKA GHUGE Department of Civil Engg, SIET (Polytechnic), Paniv, India,
  • MISS HARSHALI CHORAMALE Department of Civil Engg, SIET (Polytechnic), Paniv, India,


Met kaolin,, Concrete mix,, Compressive strength,, spilt tensile strength


Metakaolin pozzolanicpowder is used in many civil engineering constructionsin world. Metakaolin powder is act or work as binding material in concrete available in many different varieties and qualities. The purity of Metakaolin will showitsbinding capacity or free lime. Some of them also provide special reactivity. Metakaolin is a valuable admixture for concrete and or cement applications. Usually we add from 5% -20% (by weight) of Portland cement replaced by Metakaolin in concrete. Sucha concrete exhibits favourable engineering properties. The pozzolanic reaction starts from7to 28 days. For the preliminary investigation, Metakaolinand cement was subjected to physical and chemical analyses to determine whether they are in compliance with the standard use. The experimental analysiswillbe designed to studyMetakaolinas a partial replacement with cement willdone at 5%, 10%, 15% , 20%in concrete.





