ATmega 328, L293DAbstract
vvvvA rescue robot is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding in most rescueworkforces.Inmostofcommoncircumstancesthatskillrescuerobotsaremining fortunes, urban ruins, and imprisoned situations and blasts. This robot will help us in thesesituationsbyhelpinghumans.Themajorobjectiveofthisprojectistocontrolthe robot by using voice commands and to use in disaster regions. It is aimed for theusers to control a pick and place device through voice commands. Here the user can control all the movements of robot through voice commands to remove the objects in disaster regions.Itusesamicrophonetoconvertthegivenvoicecommandstoelectricalsignals andthissignalisrecognizedusingvoicerecognizerbymeansofavoicesensor.Thissensor is known as the VR Module. It will produce an output which is used by a controller to produce a control output. This output will drive the motor, thus robotic action takes place. It consists of L293D IC which will as a driving mechanism of the pick and place robot. Also, it has servomotor that helps for movement of arms. The two micro servos areusedingrippingtheobjectsatadistance.TheVRmoduleisusedheretorecognize the voice and give the output to microcontroller. If the signal is same with that of the trainedsignalinkeypad,theservoswillworkaccordingtoit.A rescue robot is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding in most rescueworkforces.Inmostofcommoncircumstancesthatskillrescuerobotsaremining fortunes, urban ruins, and imprisoned situations and blasts. This robot will help us in thesesituationsbyhelpinghumans.Themajorobjectiveofthisprojectistocontrolthe robot by using voice commands and to use in disaster regions. It is aimed for theusers to control a pick and place device through voice commands. Here the user can control all the movements of robot through voice commands to remove the objects in disaster regions.Itusesamicrophonetoconvertthegivenvoicecommandstoelectricalsignals andthissignalisrecognizedusingvoicerecognizerbymeansofavoicesensor.Thissensor is known as the VR Module. It will produce an output which is used by a controller to produce a control output. This output will drive the motor, thus robotic action takes place. It consists of L293D IC which will as a driving mechanism of the pick and place robot. Also, it has servomotor that helps for movement of arms. The two micro servos areusedingrippingtheobjectsatadistance.TheVRmoduleisusedheretorecognize the voice and give the output to microcontroller. If the signal is same with that of the trainedsignalinkeypad,theservoswillworkaccordingtoit.v

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