IOT Based Solar Street Light Intensity Control System


  • Mrs. Pallavi Jadhav, Ms. Dipali Dattatray Jadhav, Mr. Anup Kumbhar Department of E&TC Engineering, PES’s College of Engineering, Phaltan, India


This project presents the IOT based solar street light intensity control system. The Sunlight Tracker Solar Powered IOT Based Light Control System is the subject of this project's abstract. This idea aims to save energy and lessen pollution brought on by finite resources. Due to its low cost and open source nature, it is implemented using an Arduino Uno. The purpose of this system is to interact with the Arduino Uno board to control the lighting system while using IR sensors to detect human presence in the immediate area. The intelligent system operates in accordance with presence and sets up the lighting's dimmer and control system while also operating the solar tracker concurrently. By following the sun's path, the solar tracker receives sunlight more effectively than a traditional solar panel. Key words: LCD, IR emitter, and LDR.






