
  • Shubham V Kulkarni1,Mr. RongeParthMahesh2 , Mr. Benare Pratik Vidhydhar2, Mr. VibhutePrajwal Prabhakar2, Mr. GhodakeAtharv Ajit2 1(Principal & Professor in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering (Poly.) Pandharpur, India) 2,(Students of Final Year, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering (Poly.) Pandharpur, India)


Bending,, flexible,, pneumatic


Now in this world the use of bending machine is increased. Bending is used in industries for a wide variety of uses, including blanking and pressing. There are many different types of bending. The most popular are pneumatic bending and hydraulic bending. But pneumatic bending is more preferable than hydraulic bending. The greatest advantage of Pneumatic bending is their speed. Pneumatic bending is 10 times faster than hydraulic bending and they can perform many jobs faster and more efficiently. Pneumatic bending is extremely flexible, that they can be placed in a factory in any required position, even upside down. The objective of our project is to Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic bending capacity of and to make a Bend of 6mm thickness TMT rod. The main objective of this project is to implement the Pneumatic rod bending machine in the construction sites with less cost compared to the existing bending machines, and increasing the productivity of the stirrups. The bending machine is one of the most important machine tool in sheet metal work shop. It is primarily designed for bending. The bend has been made with the help of punch which exerts large force on the work clamped on the die. The bending machine is designed in such a way that, it works automatically.




