Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Heat Transfer in a double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Wavy (Corrugated) Twisted Tape Inserts


  • Mr. A. S .Kurhade Department of Mechanical Engineering, GSMCOE, University of Pune, India
  • Prof. M. M. Dange Depa rtment of Mechanical Engg. Faculty of Engineering, GSMCOE, University of Pune, India
  • Prof. D. B. Nalawade Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, VIIT, University of Pune, India


Heat transfer, doubl e pipe heat exchanger, wavy twisted tape, fuzzy logic


Fuzzy logic is a method which can be used to model the experiments, and it has been introduced for the first time in 1965 by Zadeh . T he present work represents the use of fuzzy logic to model and predict the experimental results of heat transfer in a double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Wavy (Corrugated) Twiste d Tape Inserts . The tape consists of the corrugations and the twisting with various twist ratios (TR=10.7, 8.5, 7.1) . The length, width and thickness of twisted tape were 1 m, 14 mm and 2 mm respectively. The Reynolds number is varied from 5000 to 17 000.





