
  • Yadgiri Ganji Student, A.G. Patil Institute of Technology, Solapur.
  • Venugopal Vadnal Student, A.G. Patil Institute of Technology, Solapur.
  • Avinash Vacche Student, A.G. Patil Institute of Technology, Solapur.


Seed, Sowing, planting, agriculture,


Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as their occupation. The states like Maharashtra, Punjab, Kerala are highly involved in agriculture. Hence the objective of our project is to develop a better Mechanical machine to help the agriculture field which reduces the amount of work and time spent on crop. Sowing machine which are suitable to all types of farms and corps. the equipment is robust in construction and also it is should be reliable which is basic requirement of Sowing machine. As there is a scope for developing the sowing machine and which is operated manually but reduces the efforts of farmers, thus increasing the efficiency of planting also reduces the problem encountered in manual planting. The application of this machine can be implemented for various plants and different sizes of seeds, also variations in the space between seeds while planting can be varied as per requirement. This also increases the plant efficiency and productivity. For effective handling of the machine by any farmer or by any untrained worker it has been simplified in design also its adjustments and maintenance methods are also simple.





